Waiting like a Fly Catcher

How do you know when to chase your goals?

1. What are you aiming for?

  • Do you know what problems you can solve?

  • Do you know who needs your services as an architect?

  • Do you know who do you want to work with?

These questions are foundational to forming a vision for your Architecture firm. Without an answer you are just practicing Architecture, you aren't running your own practice. Whether you are a Solopreneur or Principal Architect - these questions help you design your business the way you typically design a building.

2. Are you ready?

If your ideal client or perfect project flies by, will you be ready to go after it? Staying 'at the ready' requires strong systems for maintaining the schedule and completion of current projects.

Honestly, as a sole practitioner, I sometimes linger on projects in hand if I don't have something coming up. It is a dangerous habit to be driven by deadlines instead of proactive project schedules. To be ready takes discipline with the projects in hand. Then you can build a capacity to...

3. Wait...

Waiting is hard. But a Flycatcher doesn't just wait anywhere. They go where they know they can find a fly to catch. If you know WHO and WHAT you are aiming for AND you have a strong handle on projects in hand, then you are ready to actively wait...

  • In the right place

  • At the right time

  • To meet the right people

  • And make your dream project a reality

There is a saying that optimistic people find lucky pennies more than pessimistic people. Finding opportunities isn't about what is out there - it is about you proactively open to what problems the world may bring to your doorstep to solve. So...

Are you ready to take flight?

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