Moonlighting like an Owl

Moonlighting, or working as a night owl is a very common way to start your own firm. It can be comforting to test your wings under the cover of darkness - No one will ever know if you fail. But is failure something to fear?

There is security in working a full time job during the day and pursuing a passion project at night. When the passion project takes off - it can be satisfying to leave the day job and take flight in your own practice. But very few firms manage to survive on a single project - even when it is a firm of one.

Night owls learn patience. They wait until they hear of the right project - then they can swoop in and snag it. Even after starting a firm full time, listening is still a crucial component of success on projects.

Be the night owl if it brings you joy and energizes you. But don't mistake midnight 'snacks' for real projects. Take care to set up the business to succeed beyond a single side hustle.

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